How To Cope with Stress While You Quit Smoking

Pune (P&V News Service) : What triggers your desire to smoke? Anger? Boredom? Fatigue? Happiness? You can associate all these feelings with smoking, but stress and anger can set themselves apart as smoking triggers.

When you’re nervous, the need to smoke can be intense. You could think you need cigarettes to keep your cool, but smoking tends to cause more stress than it solves.

Also, in today’s time with technological intervention in healthcare, people can now get genetic testing to learn their nicotine dependency and predisposition of lung related diseases. This will help them to quit smoking and make lifestyle modifications to reduce the risk, if any.

It goes on to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused millions of smokers to quit smoking. This is because the risk of Covid is higher in smokers. Smoking is an established risk factor for respiratory infections, including the flu. It weakens the immunity against viral infection. Nearly, 60% of smokers worldwide want to quit smoking, but only 30% of the world’s population has access to quality tobacco cessation services.

According to Indus Health Plus data7% of the population continue to smoke, and about 3% have smoked in the past but are now no longer smoking. For tobacco consumption, the study revealed that 8% were in the habit of tobacco chewing/consumption, and 2% no longer consume these products.

Learning how to cope with stress without smoking is hard, especially when you quit smoking for the first time. With a few tools and a bit of practice, however, you will find it less difficult than you might have anticipated.

Recovering From Nicotine Addiction

The healing of nicotine addiction has two major components. Physical withdrawal of nicotine and healing of the ceremonial spirit associated with smoking.

1  Managing Nicotine Withdrawal: Your body physically reacts to nicotine withdrawal and the thousands of chemicals in the cigarette smoke you inhale. This recovery phase creates its own stress that you need to be ready to handle. Having an awareness of the place of stress as a by-product of early recovery from nicotine addiction and some tools to address discomfort will help you manage it successfully.

2  Tackling Mental Challenges: Emotionally, quitting smoking forces you to deal with losing cigarettes as a crutch you relied on to manage your feelings. Mental difficulties can be one of the toughest aspects of quitting smoking.

Managing Stress When Quitting Nicotine

Be patient with yourself and give it time for the recovery process to show results. The release of nicotine addiction happens over time. It happens when you erase old associations and habits one by one, replacing them with new, healthier choices. Over time, you’ll probably find that stress is easier to manage smoke-free than it ever was when you smoked.

Here are a few practices that will make quitting less challenging:

  1. Eat properly balanced food: Your body needs goodquality fuel, as it works to remove toxins from your system. Cigarettes deplete many nutrients and vitamins, so you will need to focus on eating a well-balanced meal.
  2. Drink water: Water can help you quit smoking. It helps you detox faster and can work well as a vacuum buster. Staying hydrated is good for your body as well.
  3. Cut Out Caffeine: When you stop smoking, the amount of caffeinated coffee or soda you consume can add to your anxiety and stress. Once you are through the withdrawal process, you will probably be able to drink coffee again, if you choose, but perhaps not in the same quantity as you did before.
  4. Take a Warm Bath: Enjoying a bath is a great way to calm down and relax. Ignite a few candles, use scented bath salts, and sink into your bathtub. One study found that those who bathed regularly improved their mental and physical health.  Having a bath in hot water can reduce tiredness and irritability, which are the two common symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
  5. Get a Massage: Our bodies tend to keep the tension we feel in our muscles, so a good massage is worth its weight in gold to alleviate stress. Ask your partner a masseuse to help you get rid of the stress from your muscles. A full body massage is awesome, but even 10 to 15 minutes spent on your neck, shoulders, face, and scalp can do wonders. You can also try an auto massage tool such as a massage pistol or even a massage cushion.
  6. Get Enough Sleep: The first few days of smoking cessation can be tiring because your body and mind are stressed. Research has shown that the less you smoke, the less tired you will feel. One study revealed that fatigue among people who quit smoking peaked after six weeks and then declined.

Our minds can make small problems look big and turn each small thing into a complex issue especially when our emotions are out of control. If you have a bad day, stop and re-centre. Be good to yourself, indulge (or both) and keep your emotions from getting better of yourself. Tomorrow is a new day, you will feel better, and you will be happy to be smokeless again.

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