Vertigo clinic launched at Joshi Hospital

Pune (P&V News Service): A state-of-the-art Vertigo Clinic was inaugurated at MMF Hospitals Association- Joshi Hospital. The Vertigo Clinic will be operational on every Saturday from 12 noon to 2 p.m. and includes a team ENT specialists, neurologists, ophthalmologists and physiotherapists and support staff.

MMF Hospitals Association , Senior Trustee Dr. Arvind Phadke and Dr D.V ( Lala ) Telang , MMF Hospitals Association,  Directors Dr. Anand Joshi , Dr. Ashish Atre and Mr Anirudh Deshpande along with Dr. Ajinkya Kelkar, ENT Surgeon and head of Vertigo Clinic, Dr.Shalini Pawar – Chief Operating Officer, Dr. Vijay Agrawal – Administrator  ,Dr. Amol Talwalikar Consultant Urologist and Dr. Sanjay Sane Consultant  Diabetic Foot Surgeon, Dr Poornima Gauri Consultant Neurologist amongst others were present on the occasion.

Dr. Ajinkya Kelkar, ENT Surgeon, Joshi Hospital, said that the incidence of dizziness, imbalance is on the rise in India. It was the need of the hour to set up a vertigo clinic to cater to the rising cases. So under the guidance of Dr. Shalini Pawar and Dr. Vijay Agrawal, Videonystagmography (VNG) machine was installed in the hospital. This will ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment.

While expressing his thoughts, Dr. Ashish Atre shared his personal experience about Vertigo and talked about the good results obtained due to proper diagnosis and treatment and congratulated the team for their new initiative. 

Dr.Vijay Agarwal welcomed the audience and Dr.Shalini Pawar proposed the vote of thanks

Important to understand the exact cause of dizziness – Dr. Ajinkya Kelkar

Although vertigo is a common problem, there is a lack of awareness about it. Dizziness can occur for a number of reasons. However, most people believe that dizziness is due to cervical spondylitis. It is important to find the exact cause of the dizziness.

Coordination between several body systems such as brain, eyes, ears and musculoskeletal systems ensures proper balance of our body. When something goes wrong, one may get a feeling of dizziness, fainting or spinning. So it is necessary to find out the exact cause of Vertigo. Correct diagnosis of the system involved helps in targeted treatment. The VNG machine can determine the exact cause and determine the direction of further treatment.

Many people experience these symptoms because of ear problems. Apart from this many people feel dizzy while bending down, sitting up, changing the side while sleeping. This is called as Positional Vertigo. Repositioning exercises are advised in such cases.

Normally diagnosis of Vertigo involves clinical examination which includes specific tests for evaluation of dizzi patients. Furthermore certain diagnostic tests like MRI, Video nystagmography, ocular -motor testing may be required.

Treatment options depend on the system involved. Treatment may include medical treatment, repositioning manoeuvres, vestibular rehabilitation exercises, eye treatment and others depending on the root cause.

Joshi Hospital is equipped with all modern facilities under one roof. The Vertigo Clinic will augment our capabilities said Dr. Ajinkya Kelkar.

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