78-year-old with severe heart failure survives with timely intervention

Pune (P&V News Service): A 78-year-old patient  didn’t just have the troubles old-age brought along with it. Already suffering from diabetes and kidney disease, things got even more complicated when she recently experienced a heart attack. When her family rushed her to a nearby nursing home, doctors there declared she was suffering from heart failure. On hearing this, her family made the swift decision to have her transferred to Ruby Hall Clinic.

“Immediate evaluation revealed that the patient was suffering from triple vessel disease — an extremely severe form of coronary artery disease. In fact, her case was so critical that the largest coronary artery (LAD) was completely blocked while the other two showed 80 and 95 percent blockages respectively. All arteries were heavily calcified and we knew that action needed to be taken immediately to save her life. However, her existing co-morbidities along with her age posed challenges,” explained Dr. Abhay Somani, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, Ruby Hall Clinic.

Following this, the cardiac interventional team led by Dr. Somani proceeded to perform an angioplasty to open the clogged arteries. A few hours after the procedure in itself, the patient was experiencing V-tach (an abnormal heart rhythm) along with being haemodynamically unstable. As her heart was pumping at only 20 percent of its capacity, she also displayed signs of low blood pressure and kept going into a stupor.

Her situation only got more complex hereon. “She began experiencing what is known as a constant VT storm. This means she had sustained episodes of abnormal heart rhythms within a very short period of time. In fact, her situation was so grave that we had to shock her multiple times to ensure her heart began beating normally again. She needed multiple medicines and injections during this course of time. We aggressively pursued to pull her out despite her age and other health complications,” added Dr. Somani.

After being on ventilator support and constant monitoring over the next 5 days, She began showing signs of recovery. Her heart rate returned to normal, her blood pressure stabilised and she was eventually weaned off the ventilator as her body strengthened. She was intently monitored by Dr. Sunita Borade and her team at the CCU. As her health improved in the days that followed, she was even discharged from the hospital in about 10 days’ time.

Lauding the team of doctors, Dr. Manisha Karmarkar, COO, Ruby Hall Clinic added,“At Ruby Hall Clinic, we’ve always believed in the power of medical miracles. Moreover, we’ve never been ones to shy away from even the most complex situations. I commend the entire team of doctors that took up this challenge headfirst and gave this patient a new lease of life.”


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