Emotional support is needed for those with suicidal thoughts, says Shilpa Tambe, the Connecting Trust coordinator

Connecting Trust supported & saved the lives of 19832 people in 2022-23 with distress helpline & prevention programs

Pune: Emotional support is very much needed for those with suicidal thoughts, says Shilpa Tambe, Outreach & Awareness Coordinator at Connecting Trust. She also mentioned that Connecting Trust supported & saved the lives of 19832 people in 2022-23 with distress helpline & prevention programs.

Shilpa Tambe said, Everybody in their entire lifespan, at some point in time, comes across a blind turn or experiences tunnel vision. For a few seconds, a few days and months together there isn’t a single ray of hope in sight. Many find it difficult to realize they need support and find it difficult to gather the strength to reach out for support. we need to recognize and support those who are under stress.

Further, she said that 10th September is observed as ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ throughout the globe. The theme for the year 2023 is ‘Creating Hope Through Action’. As the saying goes ‘Ummid pe duniya kaayam’, what do we understand by the word ‘hope’? Which actions can ‘create hope’? Every effort, every time to just stay, to hold on creates hope, isn’t it? Understanding that I need support, accepting that it is okay not to be okay, reaching out, trying to explain, trying to understand, listen, to support, giving the non-judgmental and non-advisory space, acknowledging the efforts, being present, being there unconditionally…are the actions that create hope!

Connecting Trust is a Pune-based organization founded in 2005 by Mrs. Arnavaz Damania and some like-minded people.  It is a volunteer-based listening service working in the field of suicide prevention for the last 18 years. We are committed to creating a caring and compassionate world where everyone is connected to life, to prevent suicide by creating awareness and to provide support to those who are in emotional distress, and/or have lost someone to suicide or attempted suicide,” she added.

Connecting Trust believes in the strength of individuals and communities to co-create a common vision, address their own challenges, act, and adapt. Through the Distress Helpline, the Email service, through Suicide Survivor Support number, and through walk-in service, we offer a safe listening space to people in distress. It is most rewarding for our trained volunteers when they see a shift in the level of distress from where the conversation starts and ends.

If you are feeling low, and/or suicidal or know someone who is going through this, do reach out, save our contact details, and encourage your loved ones to do so, she appealed.

Our Free Services are:

– DISTRESS HELPLINE (for those in emotional distress or feeling suicidal): 9922004305 | 9922001122 (all days, 10 am – 8 pm)

– For email support, write to us at: distressmailsconnecting@gmail.com

– The SUICIDE SURVIVOR SUPPORT Number is 8484033312

– Walk-in on every Wednesday by Appointment only- call/text on 8484033312

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