Unveiling of Prof. Dr. Vishwanath Karad’s statue to coincide with Teachers’ Day on the eve of G20 Interfaith Forum on 5th September 2023 at Vishwarajbaug, Pune

Pune: As a rare honour, three universities from Salt Lake City, USA, viz Brigham Young University, University of Utah and Westminster University, will bestow a rare honour upon the highly esteemed educationist Prof. Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad, by presenting his larger-than-life-size bronze statue in recognition of his extraordinary contributions and steadfast devotion to fostering excellence in education and inter-religious and interfaith dialogue.

This statue will be unveiled at the World Peace Dome, Vishwarajbaug, Loni Kalbhor on 5th September 2023 by the University officials, dignitaries present for the G20 Interfaith Summit and various religious and spiritual leaders.This momentous occasion represents a significant milestone in the forum’s history. Dr. Vishwanath Karad, a highly respected figure, serves as the Founder and Chief Patron of MAEER’s MIT Group of Institutions, Founder President of MIT-WPU, and Chairman of MIT-WPU’s Governing Body.

Notably, he also holds the distinguished position of Permanent Chair at UNESCO. The awe-inspiring bronze statue stands tall at an impressive height of 12 feet and 5 inches, with a length of 4 feet and 5 inches, and a width of 3 feet and 5 inches.King Husein, P.E. | Chairman & CEO, Span Construction & Engineering, Inc. said on this occasion “I first met Dr. Karad in early 2019 when I visited MITWPU and the World Peace Dome. During my visit I sensed something was different. Having received my master’s degree from Brigham Young University in the US, where learning is not only by study, but also by faith, I realized that Dr. Karad has a higher purpose in educating students. His underlying belief that the union of science and spirituality will bring peace to humanity. Hence, Dr. Karad is preparing students to be a force for good, not only in India, but throughout the world. This is the vision of Dr. Karad and he acted on it by building the magnificent World Peace Dome and continues to embrace the sacredness and values of different religions. I firmly believe that Dr. Karad was inspired by God to promote peace and harmony for all of God’s children. He is following in the footsteps of Mahatma Gandhi, who gained independence for India through non-violence and whose life was taken for promoting peace and harmony between two conflicting groups of people.”Hon’ble D. Todd Christofferson, President, BYU Religious Leader & Chairman of the Executive Committee of BYU, Board of Trustees commented, “One of the traits I most admire about Dr. Vishwanath D. Karad is his desire to help others improve themselves and succeed in life. He was born in a small village with few opportunities and very limited resources. He worked hard to gain an education and to improve himself. But he was not satisfied simply to pursue his own advantage. As soon as he had achieved some personal progress in education, he worked to bring the same opportunities to many of his relatives.

Then he looked beyond family members to others in the community. He recognized that the government of Maharashtra had limited resources for setting up colleges and institutions of higher learning. So, he established a trust dedicated to fostering private education. It began with the Maharashtra Institute of Technology (MIT) with an emphasis on engineering—his own field. That expanded to multiple fields of study and now to multiple institutions of higher education.” “How does one even comprehend the impact of one man’s life teachings in the likes of Dr. Vishwanath Karad? He embodies the Philosophers, Scientists, and Religious leaders he honours at the World Peace Dome.

His vision is to bring together Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Hebrews, and many other religious faiths to commune one with another, to mingle and share beliefs and knowledge is unprecedented. Dr. Karad is at the centre and another reminder of the incredible breadth and scope of his influence for peace and harmony around the world. It is most fitting that he holds the position of “Vishwa Guru”, which means “The Teacher of the World”, added Hon’ble Brian Grim, President, Religious Freedom & Business Foundation, USA. Hon’ble Elder D. Todd Christofferson, Hon’ble King Husein, Hon’ble Dr. Ashok Joshi, Hon’ble W Cole Durham Jr, Hon’ble Brian Grim, Hon’ble D J Bawden, Shri. Rahul Karad, Managing Trustee & Executive President, MAEER’s MIT and Executive President, MIT World Peace University & Prof. Dr. Mangesh Karad, Executive President and Vice-Chancellor of MIT ADT University, Pune were also present for the press announcement.

The statue unveiling will be followed by the two-day G20 Interfaith Summit (6th and 7th September). The event will bring together a broad collection of people from India and around the World with an anticipated participation of over 2000 attendees, including more than 100 professional speakers and presenters.About World Peace Dome The WORLD PEACE DOME is a remarkable monument dedicated to the Centre of Wisdom, Knowledge Dissemination, and Social Transformation. Its conception, design, planning, and creation were carried out under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Dr. Vishwanath Karad, an esteemed Educationist and Advocate of Peace. This visionary project embodies the profound ideals of peace and spirituality.Indian Philosopher Saint Shree Dnyaneshwar World Peace Dome stands as a testament to architectural splendor and holds immense significance in the realm of knowledge. Its purpose is to foster a holistic, peace-loving, and harmonious global society, conveying the message of peace and divinity.To know more about the event, please visit: https://worldpeacedome.in/

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