Model School project in rural schools to help in quality learning

Initiated by TM Automotive Seating and implemented by Pratima Foundation, the project enters second year  

Pune (Voice News Service): The three year model school project initiated by TM Automotive Seatings and implemented by Pratima Foundation entered in its second year recently. The launch program was organized at Vidya Vikas Mandir, Karandi, Shirur, Pune in presence of Chief Guest -Mr. Amit Dey, CEO of TM Automotive Seatings and Guests of Honour Ms. Aparna Prabhudesai, Director at Adventures Beyond Barriers Foundation and Advisor to Pratima Foundation and Dr. Pratik Palande Founder, Director – Pratima Foundation and Vice President – Kasturi Shikshan Sanstha. Volunteers and team members from TM Automotive Seatings, Tata Autocomp, Pratima Foundation,Vidya Vikas Mandir Teachers,Karandi Village Sarpanch and Grampanchayat,Karandi Villagers and PCF Implementation Partners were also present on the occasion.

Model School Project is a 3-year rural CSR project, designed and implemented by Pratima Foundation under its ‘Quality Rural Education’ program strategy. The project focuses on transforming educational mindsets, instead of just infrastructure and includes 5 areas of focus – Student Development, Collaborative Communities, Technology Alignment, Holistic Education and Infrastructure. Under these pillars, Pratima Foundation implements various capacity building programs like – Parent Financial Literacy, Holistic Art Education, Health & Nutrition, Self Defense & Security, Citizenship Education, Career Coaching, Climate Education and many more.

Pratima Foundation has been identifying the right schools for the program, customizing it and ensuring last mile implementation. Through it’s projects, Pratima Foundation brings together implementation partners, advisors and donors on the same platform towards social impact.

The program will enable quality learning for students, create a culture for high learning and achievement, create learning spaces for all and help build a caring community.

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