Delicious, healthy and wholesome Red Gold Tomatoes From Europe now available in India!

Pune (P&V News Service): If there is one versatile fruit that complements not only our breakfast, lunch and dinner but even snacks and titbits in between – it is tomatoes.

Naturally low in sugar and fat, rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Potassium, minerals and fibres and with antioxidants like Lycopene, Tomatoes burst with the goodness of health. With zero cholesterol, they bring the best news for your heart!

The iconic Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe are harvested only when fully ripened under the Mediterranean sun and their flesh is red, juicy and firm. Once scrupulously and hygienically processed, vacuum sealed and packed, the peeled tomatoes and their juices preserve all their freshness and flavour until they reach your kitchen at home or gourmet restaurants.

As all EU food processing falls under the strictest health and safety standards, food traceability and all claims and information are provided to the end user according to stringent regulations, making Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe completely safe and all information transparent to the consumer. The European Union Farm to Fork policy has integrated control over the entire food chain acknowledging consumer safety as paramount. Our members account for majority of all the processed tomatoes in Italy, and nearly all of the whole peeled tomatoes produced in the world (including the internationally well-known San Marzano DOP).

Did you know that the Tomato plant originated in Peru and the Mayas and the Aztecs called it “Xitomati”? The Spanish brought it to Europe and it was only in the 18th Century that the tomato became accepted as an ingredient in European dishes. But it didn’t take much time for the tomato to rule both everyday and fancy fare on the dining table not only in Europe but all across the world.

And now it’s time for these luscious canned tomatoes to take Indian kitchens by storm. Because when it comes to versatility and consistency in quality, nothing can beat canned tomatoes and the variety of dishes they can create. Whether sauces for pasta or pizza or to cook chicken, fish and eggs, even to create delicacies with cheese or vegetables or prepare desserts, the list is endless as these tomatoes are highly adaptable from soups to salads, from main-courses to supper dishes.

The premium quality Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe promise to add an extra punch to your cooking, giving an edge to your culinary creativity. And there is a whole variety of Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe tomatoes to choose from – be it whole peeled, chopped or cherry tomatoes!

Available at all the leading stores and e-commerce sites, you can simply order in or pick them up at will. With these fleshy, juicy tomatoes, all that is then needed is to choose your meal option and voila! Finger-licking and super hearty, healthy dishes full of goodness.

“Red Gold Tomatoes from Europe” is a promotion campaign co-financed by the European Commission with the aim of increasing awareness among professionals, opinion leaders and consumers in India about the superior quality and uniqueness of canned preserved whole, peeled and cherry tomatoes from Europe and Italy as well as their versatile applications in classic European and local recipes.

For in-depth glimpses into the European and Italian tomato industry or for some delicious recipes using these premium quality canned tomatoes, visit our website and follow us on Instagram @redgoldtomatoesfromeurope& on Facebook  @redgoldtomatoesfromeurope

Look for us, as well, at leading International Food Trade Shows: we will be present at the upcoming editions of SIAL, Mumbai.

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