Pune (P&V news service):- It may take weeks, months, or years, but one day students will be back to the old college life, where they will greet each other walking across the classroom corridors, head into our labs, and check out books from the library. More importantly, they will value our human contact more than before the COVID era, acknowledge the gift of learning while being together, and hold dear ones close again with the knowledge that doing is a privilege.

The covid-19 hail storm got all of us to value human contact so much. Especially in the education industry, the students missed their day-to-day classroom interactions, they missed giving attendance, and signing as a moreover the assignment submission tensions, they missed the benches, and chatting on the phone amidst the lectures, they missed the offline exam pressure and that is when the human world understood the value of offline education. At INIFD Deccan, the big question of when will offline classes start? Has turned into reality ,when INIFD Deccan, Pune opened its completely sanitized campus doors to its Fashion & Interior Design students.

Indra Mahala (F.Y. BSC Fashion Design) a student at INIFD Deccan quotes, “it feels good coming back to college, despite the compulsion of a mask, I feel amazing interacting with my teachers without the computer screen, and more importantly, now I can sketch, stitch, illustrate confidently, because I know even if I go wrong, my teachers are present to supervise and correct me there and then.”

Ishwar Raut (S.Y.MSC Interior Design) an Interior Design student at INIFD Deccan quotes, “I am highly enthralled coming back to the campus life! The industrial visits have begun, where we get a chance to experience the reality and practicality of the interior design industry, and also, I am enjoying my last year, with all the amazing activities and events celebrated here. These events are the ones that make us say, “Those were the best days of my life!”

As a Fashion & Interior Design Institute, INIFD understands the value of practical, offline learning, however, there was a time when the young, fragile, creative minds had loads going on in their heads. They were giving up on their fashion and interior design dreams, as these fields require more practical learning. These minds were confused and were thinking of going against their wills, and choosing other careers for themselves about which they were not quite sure. Amidst all of INIFD decided to embrace the Digital India concept and collaborated with IDL- Indian Design League (An E-Learning Platform for Fashion & Interior Design) to help students embrace their design dreams.

Today, as the whole human race understands the value of life, INIFD maintains the decorum of hybrid learning, valuing the young gen life. Even though the campus is sanitized with fully vaccinated staff , they choose to stick to the Hybrid model, for the safety of the students’ dreams.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought incalculable costs across a wide range of sectors, even beyond the primary tragedy of lives lost. But the gradual return to colleges is an opportunity to put structures in place to help young designers return to colleges and catch up on learning, and those structures can serve the world’s most vulnerable design dreams for many years to come.

INIFD is here to support the Design Dreams, to create a strong base of enlightenment for Fashion & Interior Design Students, to embrace their creativities on ramps and in exhibitions, with latest software pieces of training, and 100% placement assistance for a lifetime. They are a bridge towards Fashion & Interior Design Dreams with innovative mind spaces.

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