There is nothing wrong with Ethical moonlighting

Pune (Voice news service):- Many executives and employees working in IT companies use their knowledge for their companies apart from their own company time.
There is nothing wrong with doing so. Therefore, IT companies should encourage ethical moonlighting in this way. Many experts from IT companies expressed this opinion in the debate organized by Rezoomex.

Experts from IT companies from various cities including Pune participated in the “Ethical Moonlighting” debate organized by Rezoomex. Mr. Vinayak Joglekar, Founder Director of Rezoomex, Akash Malve, Global Head of Data Science & AI at Exela Technologies, Jay Pathak, Angular Architect at Etrade Menlopark, Aniruddha Paranjape, CEO of Kanaka Software, Johnson Abraham, Principal Software Engineering Manager at Cloudreach, Harish Rohokale, Founder & CEO of Apptware & Appmart, Ronak Patil, Founding Technical Engineer at Cast.AI, Manish Agrawal, Co-founder & CTO of Yagna IQ Inc, Shreya Thombre, Project Manager (PMO) at IBM, Pratap Shrotriya, CEO of SplendorNet Technologies, Kiran Ratnakar, Director of Cybersecurity, Cloud, Encora, Salil Khedkar, Head of Software Engineering at Microlise, were present in the debate.

A unique proposal was discussed during the event, suggesting the development of an NFT system to lock in the identity of employees engaging in moonlighting. Additionally, a three-way smart contract was proposed to ensure that both companies simultaneously working with the employees can receive the appropriate share of their time and attention.
Overall, the debate on ethical moonlighting organized by Rezoomex received a positive response and facilitated a healthy exchange of ideas. Rezoomex extends its gratitude to all the participants for their valuable time and contributions. The organization expresses its intention to organize other events on this topic in the near future.
Mr. Vinayak Joglekar, Founder and Director of Rezoomex, emphasized his support for ethical moonlighting when carried out with the prior approval of the primary employer. He pointed out that professionals have been undertaking external projects even before the term “moonlighting” gained popularity. Mr. Joglekar highlighted how highly paid and highly qualified consultants have always shared their time with multiple clients, showcasing the possibility of ethical moonlighting.
Akash Malve, Global Head of Data Science & AI at Exela Technologies, supported moonlighting when conducted within a defined framework based on Competition, Contracts, Competency, and Conflict. He stressed the importance of proper management and adherence to ethical guidelines to ensure a positive moonlighting experience.
Jay Pathak, Angular Architect at Etrade Menlopark, shared his personal experience where hiring a candidate with rare skills proved challenging. He expressed his support for moonlighting as it enabled him to complete his project within the required timeframe. Mr. Pathak believes that moonlighting can be a valuable solution for accessing specialized skills that may not be readily available for full-time hiring.
Aniruddha Paranjape, CEO of Kanaka Software, endorsed moonlighting due to its potential for individuals to acquire rare skills that may be unavailable through traditional hiring methods. As long as work is delivered punctually and customers are satisfied, Mr. Paranjape supports moonlighting within boundaries that do not conflict with the organization’s interests.
Johnson Abraham, Principal Software Engineering Manager at Cloudreach, highlighted the positive aspects of moonlighting, including the development of qualities such as autonomy, time management, confidence, and a sense of ownership. He emphasized how moonlighting can contribute to personal and professional growth, as well as upskilling.
Harish Rohokale, Founder & CEO of Apptware & Appmart, expressed his concerns about moonlighting, citing client code confidentiality, productivity issues, and security as potential drawbacks. He implemented a model within his company that allows team members to earn and learn through in-house projects, providing an alternative to moonlighting.
Ronak Patil, Founding Technical Engineer at Cast.AI, generally agreed with moonlighting within a defined framework. He highlighted the additional financial incentive it offers, especially for juniors with lower salaries who face challenges in expensive cities like Pune and Bangalore. Mr. Patil suggested that moonlighting can serve as a viable option for individuals seeking additional income.
Manish Agrawal, Co-founder & CTO of Yagna IQ Inc, opposed moonlighting, stating that knowledge workers’ responsibilities often extend beyond regular working hours, particularly in product companies. He raised concerns about the potential negative impact on family time, sleep, and concentration on the primary job. Mr. Agrawal recommended individuals to explore freelancing or consulting as alternatives.
Shreya Thombre, Project Manager (PMO) at IBM, also voiced her opposition to moonlighting, placing a high value on loyalty to the primary employer. She emphasized the significant risks associated with conflicts of interest and data privacy that can arise from allowing moonlighting activities.
Pratap Shrotriya, CEO of SplendorNet Technologies, presented perspectives from employers and employees. From an employee’s perspective, he highlighted the importance of satisfaction over monetary reasons. Mr. Shrotriya stated that engaging in multiple activities may prevent individuals from finding time for themselves and their families. As an employer, he expressed the company’s preference for employees to focus on their primary work and conserve their energy rather than engage in moonlighting activities.
Kiran Ratnakar, Director of Cybersecurity, Cloud, Encora, shared his experience of moonlighting with prior approval from the CTO. He acknowledged the potential benefits of additional knowledge gained from moonlighting that can be useful to the current company. However, Mr. Ratnakar cautioned about the risks associated with intellectual property protection and insider threats, emphasizing the need for certain constraints on moonlighting activities.
Salil Khedkar, Head of Software Engineering at Microlise, adopted a neutral standpoint. While supporting ethical moonlighting for building a talented and thriving team, he stressed the importance of addressing productivity and work-life balance issues. Mr. Khedkar recommended allowing moonlighting activities with proper guidelines and regulations.

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