World Breastfeeding Week: To know about breastfeeding by educating and encouraging 

Pune: World Breastfeeding Week is observed annually from August 1 to August 7 in more than 120 nations. The week aims to highlight the importance of Breastfeeding, encourage and promote Breastfeeding and improve the health of babies and mothers worldwide.  World Breastfeeding Week highlights the huge benefits that breastfeeding can bring to the health and wellness of babies and benefits to maternal health, focusing on good nutrition, poverty reduction, and food security. World breastfeeding week has the two-fold goal of improving the health of babies and promoting, supporting and protecting the rights of women to breastfeed anywhere and at any time. 

Breastfeeding also serves as the first vaccine for babies, protecting them from many common childhood illnesses and keeping them safe.  

However, World Breastfeeding Week provides a forum for promoting the enormous advantages of breastfeeding for the well-being of mothers and infants and for ensuring food security. Breastfeeding should be initiated within the first hour of birth, followed by exclusive breastfeeding for six months and continued breastfeeding for up to two years or longer. This is a powerful line of defence against child malnutrition, including wasting and obesity. 

Why is Breastfeeding important? 

1.       Breast milk provides ideal nutrition for babies: Breastfeeding should continue for at least six months from birth, as other foods are introduced into the baby’s diet over the next year. Breastmilk contains everything a baby needs in the right proportions in the first six months of life. It changes composition during the first month of a baby’s life according to its changing needs. 

2.       Breast milk contains important antibodies: Breast milk provides antibodies that help your baby fight off viruses and bacteria. This refers to colostrum, the first milk. In addition to IgA, colostrum contains several other antibodies. When the mother is exposed to viruses or bacteria, her body produces antibodies. During breastfeeding, these antibodies are secreted into breast milk and passed on to the baby.


3.       Breast milk may reduce disease risk: When a baby is exclusively breastfed in the first six months without any formula, breast feeding has an impressive list of health benefits. The baby may have a reduced risk of developing illnesses and infections like middle ear infections, respiratory tract infections, colds, gut infections, and intestinal infections. Additionally, they are less likely to be hospitalized and to visit the doctor


4.       Breast milk promotes a healthy weight: Breast milk promotes ideal weight and prevents childhood obesity. Breastfed babies have a 15-30% lower obesity rate than formula-fed babies. Breastfed babies learn to self-regulate their milk intake, which will assist them in developing healthy eating habits later in life. 

Breastfeeding provides several benefits to the babies, as listed below:  

1.       Allergy and eczema protection: There may be an advantage to breast-feeding if your family has a history of allergies or eczema. Human milk proteins are more easily digestible in cow’s milk and soymilk formulas, which can cause allergic reactions.

2.       Assists in reducing the risk of viruses: The incidence of pneumonia, colds, ear infection, respiratory infections and viruses among breastfed babies is reduced. Your newborn’s immune system is protected by breast milk because it contains antibodies that offer protection after birth.   


3.       Increases Immunity:. As babies consume breast milk, they receive immediate and lifelong immunity. 


4.       Boost Brain: Breastfed babies have a higher IQ and a larger brain size. Breast milk contains key nutrients for brain development, including arachidonic acids, cholesterol, omega-3 fatty acid DHA, and hormones like oxytocin. 

Breastfeeding is completely free and requires minimal effort. You won’t have to buy and measure formula, sterilise nipples, or warm bottles if you choose to breastfeed. It also allows you to spend regular time quietly bonding with your new-born.

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