On Women’s Day, Aviva’s CFO Sonali Advises on Long-Term Wealth Creation for Women

Sonali Athalye, Chief Financial Officer, Aviva India

Pune (Voice news service):- As International Women’s Day approaches, Aviva India brings attention on the crucial intersection of women’s health and financial planning. Sonali Athalye, Chief Financial Officer of Aviva India, emphasizes the importance of empowering women to prioritize their well-being and financial security in an evolving world.

There is a pressing need for women to prioritize self-care and financial planning amid societal pressures and ingrained gender norms. She highlights the transformative impact of integrating preventive healthcare practices and sound financial strategies, enabling women to navigate life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.

Athalye champions the correlation between health and financial well-being, “For instance, early breast cancer detection can save up to ₹5 lakh. Additionally, embracing healthy eating habits can significantly reduce healthcare costs, as shown by a 2022 study by the Public Health Foundation of India.” She emphasizes that by investing in health, women not only safeguard their well-being but also mitigate potential financial burdens associated with unexpected health issues.

Poor mental health can negatively impact decision-making abilities, potentially leading to financial difficulties. Financial literacy and sound financial planning empower women to manage their finances effectively, reducing stress and anxiety associated with financial insecurity,” said Sonali talking about the symbiotic relationship between financial well-being and mental health. She advocates for investment in financial education and planning as a means to alleviate stress and anxiety, empowering women to make informed financial decisions and secure their futures.

The CFO highlights the importance of financial independence and long-term planning in women’s lives. She emphasizes the role of financial literacy in achieving financial goals and protecting against unforeseen circumstances, including health concerns. “Unfortunately, women are often marginalized in financial decision-making, leading to a lack of financial literacy and hindering their ability to achieve long-term financial stability. By taking control of their finances, women can secure their futures and prepare for unforeseen circumstances, including potential health concerns.” Athalye stresses the significance of life insurance as a safeguard against financial instability, ensuring peace of mind for women and their families.

In India, where healthcare expenses are often out-of-pocket, early diagnosis can prevent financial catastrophe for women and their families Moreover, it is imperative for individuals, especially women, to prioritize health insurance. Health insurance coverage offers a safety net against unexpected medical expenses, ensuring individuals can access necessary treatments without enduring financial strain.” Said Sonali emphasizing the value of health insurance in providing a safety net against unforeseen health issues, enabling women to access necessary treatments without financial strain.

This International Women’s Day let’s aim to empower women through strategic financial planning by emphasizing both health and financial well-being. By providing women with the necessary tools and knowledge, Aviva aims to enhance their resilience and stability, enabling them to navigate life’s uncertainties with confidence.

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