Small Children from Dubai are Teaching Jainism and Creating Awareness about Science

Jainam and Jivika have launched a startup at a young age

Pune:  Science can be a challenging subject at a young age. However, when practical demonstrations are added, it becomes much simpler; this has been demonstrated by two young children from Dubai. Jainam and Jivika Jain, aged 12 and 9, respectively, have started creating awareness about science across the country with the knowledge they have gained during their playtime. Originally from a village in Malegaon taluka, now settled in Dubai, Jainam and Jivika Jain have taken up the task of promoting science awareness thanks to proper time management, the internet, and support from their parents. Remarkably, while promoting science, the two children are also teaching Jainism in their innocent way.

In the small village of Vadner Khakurdi in Malegaon taluka, the family of Kantilal Jain resides. His son, Dhiraj Jain, moved to Dubai for business and settled there. He has two children, Jainam and Jivika, who are both exceptionally intelligent and perceptive. Growing up with Jainism, both children have a keen interest in science. They utilized the internet and proper time management to gain substantial knowledge in a short time. They also have a YouTube channel named ‘JJ Fun Time’. Both children have great respect and love for their country and culture. Motivated by this sentiment, they wanted to contribute to their country in some way. Driven by this, they decided to spend 50 days traveling to various cities and villages in India to promote their culture and raise awareness about science. Recently, they came to India with their mother Mamta, with their father’s permission. Their program is receiving enthusiastic responses here, and they are on the path to completing the hundred programs they planned. Seeing the positive response, Jainam and Jivika have expressed their determination to continue such programs even after achieving their initial goal.

Following the adage ‘Knowledge increases by sharing,’ Jainam and Jivika have started explaining science in very simple terms to others. Importantly, they have begun to share how the education they received abroad can be passed on to Indian students. Currently, Jainam and Jivika are conducting science awareness programs throughout the country. There is no doubt that their programs will reach every corner of the world in the future.

Speaking about this, Dhiraj Jain said that mobile phones are a basic necessity today. Most people have smartphones nowadays. Parents are enabling children to acquire knowledge digitally. New technologies introduce new things, and artificial intelligence (AI) is providing opportunities for new developments. With countless educational apps, videos, and online courses available, mobile phones can offer children a treasure trove of knowledge. We guided our children on what they should study when using mobile phones. From this guidance, Jainam and Jivika started creating science-related videos. This led to the establishment of their startup company. Today, their YouTube channel ‘JJ Fun Time’ has over 400 videos and more than 100,000 subscribers.

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