Ruby Hall Clinic Partners with Zydus to Take One Step Forward in Preventing Fatty Liver Cases in India

Pune: In Recognition of Global Fatty Liveron 13th June, Ruby Hall Clinic and Zydus joins hands to raise awareness about the rising cases of fatty liver disease in India

Fatty liver disease, characterized by excessive fat accumulation in the liver, is becoming increasingly prevalent in India. The condition often goes undetected in its early stages due to a lack of noticeable symptoms. If left untreated, it can progress to more severe conditions such as cirrhosis or liver cancer. Recent studies indicate that the prevalence of fatty liver disease in India ranges from 9% to 38%, with some estimates suggesting that one in three Indians may be affected. Alarmingly, a study conducted by AIIMS in 2023 found that nearly 35% of cases occur in children.

As part of this initiative, Ruby Hall Clinic is kickstarting the campaign by screening its employees for fatty liver disease. Utilizing FibroScan machine an advanced technology, Ruby Hall Clinic aims to identify individuals at risk.

Dr. Nitin Pai, Consultant and Head of Gastroenterology and GI Endoscopy at Ruby Hall Clinic, highlighted the urgency of addressing fatty liver disease: “The increasing prevalence of fatty liver disease in India is a significant public health concern. Early detection is crucial to prevent the progression of this condition to more severe liver diseases. Through our awareness campaign, we aim to empower individuals with knowledge about fatty liver disease and encourage them to take proactive steps toward maintaining liver health.”

This joint initiative between Ruby Hall Clinic and Zydus marks a significant step forward in addressing the rising cases of fatty liver disease in India. By raising awareness, promoting early detection, and screening employees, the collaboration aims to make a tangible difference in improving liver health and overall wellness.

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