Empathy, Sensitivity & Dialogue are Crucial for Suicide Prevention, Say Mental Health Experts

Pune: “The threefold strategy of Empathy, Sensitivity, and Dialogue is crucial for suicide prevention. There is a need for widespread awareness to prevent suicides before individuals reach such an extreme decision,” experts in the field of mental health have expressed.

Connecting Trust proudly enters its 20th year as a beacon of hope in Mental Health and Suicide Prevention – supporting people since 2005. The 19th Foundation Day of Connecting Trust was celebrated Friday at the Royal Connaught Boat Club. The theme was ‘Bridging the Gap: Volunteerism in Mental Health and Suicide Prevention’. Manoj Patil, Additional Commissioner of Police, was the Chief Guest. Arnavaz Damania, Founder of Connecting Trust, graced the occasion with her presence. Pranita Madkaikar, the CEO of Connecting Trust, provided a brief overview of its programs.

A panel discussion with distinguished speakers included Sachin Chidambaran (President, Befrienders India), Dr. Jaya Rajagopalan (Principal In-charge, St. Mira’s College), Chetan Shetty (Chief Operating Officer, Extentia Information Technology), and Sandy Dias Andrade (Psychotherapist). The discussion was hosted by Amina Ajaney, Advisory Board Member. The guests shared their viewpoints on Volunteerism, Mental Health, and Suicide Prevention.

Sachin Chidambaram said, “It’s no longer just a mental health issue; it’s a social issue, and the responsibility lies with us. Volunteering is very important and the need of the hour. We don’t live by logic, but we like logic, so it is important to express ourselves.” Dr. Jaya Rajagopalan shared her viewpoint, stating, “Intervention is not the way forward; we have to focus on prevention.”

Sandy Dias Andrade emphasized the importance of mental health and community support. Chetan Shetty added that allowing employees to take time to volunteer makes them feel good and they look forward to it. “Which is great!” The evening also witnessed the presence of honorable founding trustees, volunteers, funders, corporates, and various NGOs.

‘Volunteerism’ is the cornerstone of Connecting Trust’s work. The volunteers also shared their experiences. Founding trustee Matthew Mattam presented a vote of thanks before the joyous evening came to an end.

Arnavaz Damania unfolded the journey of the organization since its inception. She said that Connecting Trust was established in 2005 and has been at the forefront of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention for nearly two decades. Dedicated to the cause, our team of trained volunteers has been supporting thousands of people in distress. We are committed to making a difference in people’s lives. Schools, colleges, senior citizens, self-help groups, and NGOs receive awareness workshops and initiatives on suicide prevention and mental health from Connecting Trust. In 2024, the trust has resolved to appoint campus ambassadors at 5 colleges in Pune, she added.

Manoj Patil appreciated the work done by Connecting Trust. He mentioned that due to insufficient awareness, the number of suicide cases and attempts reported to the police department is low. As a result, crime registrations also appear to be low. “We need to create widespread awareness among individuals and make society stronger.”

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