Interactive session for girl students of BNCA on addressing challenges towards becoming a professional

Believe in yourself, develop capacity to understand the situation and commit to work say experts

Pune (Voice news service):- The first five years after graduation are challenging in the field of architecture,  but one should believe in self, commit to work and develop capacity to understand the situation, opined Ar. Sonali Thosar, President, Maharashtra Council, Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (WICCI).  
The Training and Placement Cell at Dr. Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women (BNCA) along with Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (WICCI) recently organised an interactive session “FINDING THE PATH – Addressing challenges towards becoming a professional”. About 250 students participated in this session focussed on dealing with life, career, family, aspirations, planning, knowing your mind, and being happy at work. Dr. Anurag Kashyap, Principal BNCA, Ar. Sonali Thosar, President, Maharashtra Council, WICCI  along with women architects and counsellors  Ar. Priya Gokhale , Ar. Yamini Deshmukh, Ar. Vaishali Chaudhari , Ar. Anjali 

Lovekar  and Ar. Prajakta Introutwar  interacted with the students . The program was organised was by Prof. Madhuri Zite and Prof. Yash Joshi . Dr. Kashyap said that while empowering women, our institution doesn’t just create job seekers but encourages youngsters to become entrepreneurs and create jobs.Talking about creating a strong footing in the field of architecture currently dominated by men, Ar. Sonali Thosar, President, Maharashtra Council, WICCI Architecture said that  new graduates and women professionals should be able to achieve a balanced work-life dynamic. At a time when the number of women professionals is increasing in this sector, it is important to be creative and develop capacities to increase confidence  and set a strong footing in this field.

Ar. Anjali Lovekar said that while taking care of family and managing household responsibilities, do not find any reason to stop working.

If we find interest and happiness in work, success will follow, said Ar. Yamini Deshmukh.

Student Khushi Mantri welcomed the dignitaries and participants and proposed the vote of thanks.


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