Symbiosis Skills and Professional University organises Deeksharambh 2024 – Students Induction Program

Pune : Symbiosis Skills and Professional University (SSPU) on Saturday, organised Students Induction program -Deeksharambh 2024 at it’s Kiwale Campus. Chief Guest Chandrakant Patil, Hon’ble Minister, Higher & Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra, Guest of Honour, Dr.Medha Kulkarni, Member of Parliament Rajya Sabha and Ved Mani Tiwari, Chief Executive Officer – NSDC Managing Director – NSDC International along with Dr.S.B Mujumdar, Chancellor SSPU, Dr.Swati Mujumdar, Pro-Chancellor SSPU, Dr. Rajesh Ingle, Vice Chancellor SSPU were present on the occasion.

Chandrakant Patil, Minister for Higher and Technical Education Government of Maharashtra referring to the recent MoU of the state with Germany said that the world is looking at India for skilled manpower, and so skilled universities like Symbiosis are important to create skilled professionals. The National Education Policy stresses on equipping youngsters with multiple skills. So, the students will have multiple options unlike earlier generations. 

Dr.Medha Kulkarni, Member of Parliament ( Rajya Sabha) said that this is a new start for students and this juncture will make them ‘Atmanirbhar’. ‘Youngsters should explore their core competencies, scope of work and make career choices accordingly.

Ved Mani Tiwari, CEO NSDC and Managing Director NSDC International, in his keynote address (virtually) said that skills play an extremely important role for the development of our nation. India is a country of young people.   Over the next 25 years the world will add 100 crore new people to workforce and every fourth person in the new global workforce will be an Indian. He added that the best of the employers’ are seeking skill based youngsters.   

Dr.S.B Mujumdar, Founder President Symbiosis and Chancellor Symbiosis Skills and Professional University said that induction is a very important day as this is the first step on the campus of the University. This University offers degrees as well as skills. Skills and Knowledge are equally important and go hand in hand.  

Dr. Swati Mujumdar, Pro- Chancellor Symbiosis Skills and Professional University said that Symbiosis established India’s first Skill University ‘ Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences’ at Indore and the second in Pune at Kiwale Campus. In the last six to seven years thousands of students have gained skills in various sectors and have started their career journey successfully. Giving information about the various programs of SSPU, she said that more than 2000 students take admissions for full time courses and more than 3000 students are in short term courses which in collaboration with the industry. More than 25 percent of the students become entrepreneurs starting with this campus with excellent facilities like ‘Atal Incubation Centre’. More than 70 percent of the learning happens through practical and hands-on skill training aligned with industry requirements. We have more than 500 Industry MoUs and collaborations with more than 17 foreign universities which will enable students to learn new technologies and skills. 

Dr. Rajesh Ingle, Vice-Chancellor,SSPU, Dr. S. B. Mujumdar,Chancellor,Symbiosis Skills and Professional University (SSPU) ,Chandrakant Dada Patil,Hon’ble Minister, Higher & Technical Education, Government of Maharashtra ,Dr. Medha Kulkarni,Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) & Dr. Swati Mujumdar, Pro Chancellor, SYMBIOSIS SKILLS & PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY

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