Fitness Pilates Expert Yasmin Karachiwala Shares Tips for Weight Loss

Pune (Voice news service):- Having been in the fitness industry for decades, Yasmin Karachiwala is a strong advocate for a balanced lifestyle to achieve optimal health. Sharing effective ways to shed those extra kilos, Yasmin recommends engaging in regular exercise, eating clean, and maintaining a well-balanced diet. She also suggests incorporating mindful and healthy snacking habits, stating that almonds are her go-to choice for snacks.
“I’ve been consuming almonds for a few years now, and they have done wonders for my overall well-being. These powerhouse nuts are rich in essential nutrients like protein, zinc, magnesium, healthy fats, dietary fiber, and more. Not just that, almonds also have satiating properties that keep me fuller for longer, helping me in weight management,” says Yasmin.
If you’re starting your weight-loss journey, Yasmin recommends focusing on three aspects: eating three balanced meals a day, watching portion sizes, and including essential nutrients like protein, healthy fats, and fiber in every meal. Yasmin plans her meals in advance to ensure they are nutrient-rich. “I always include at least one source of protein in each meal because it helps me feel satisfied and supports my overall health, promoting muscle maintenance, immune function, and healthy skin and hair,” she explains. Some of Yasmin’s regular protein-rich choices include chicken, fish, lentils, chickpeas, almonds, and Greek yogurt. She relies a lot on almonds, ensuring to carry a box of these nuts with her wherever she goes “Snacking on almonds help me stay satiated longer, which supports effective weight management,” she emphasizes.
In addition to being mindful of eating habits and consuming nutrient rich, natural foods, Yasmin recommends staying hydrated and drinking at least 3 litres of water daily. As a fitness enthusiast, she also advocates staying active and working out at least five days a week, which boosts energy levels and contributes to weight loss. She believes that when you’re energetic, you’re more likely to engage in physical activity and make healthier food choices, ultimately leading to weight loss. “Working out regularly keeps me energized, boosts my confidence, and positively impacts my health, which helps with weight management,” Yasmin says.
Furthermore, Yasmin recommends that “those embarking on their fitness journey should start by setting realistic goals and gradually increasing daily step counts from 5,000 to 8,000 to 10,000. One can start by incorporating low-impact activities like walking every day to establish a sustainable and long-term fitness routine.”
Overall, the fitness Pilates expert emphasizes that for an effective weight loss journey, one should prioritize a balanced diet rich in whole foods, stay hydrated, and opt for energizing snacks such as fruits and almonds to maintain activity levels throughout the day.

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