Largest Tumour in adrenal gland removed with 3d Laparoscopic enters in Limca Book of Records and Asian Book of Records

Pune : A tumour measuring about 23 cm removed from adrenal gland of a 58 year old foreign national by a team of doctors at Ace Hospital, Pune has entered into the Limca Book of Records and Asia Book of Records.  The team of urologists at ACE Hospital, Pune had successfully performed a 3D laparoscopic surgery in March 2023 to remove the largest tumour in the adrenal gland.

The adrenal gland is located on the upper part of both kidneys, measuring about 4 x 3 cm and of 4 to 8 grams. This gland plays a very important role in the functioning of the body. Adrenaline and steroids are very vital hormones or secretions produced in this gland. Adrenal cyst is among many diseases which can occur in this adrenal gland. A cyst means fluid filled bubble like tumour, is one of the rare disease among the diseases of adrenal gland. Generally, tumours of more than 15 cm in size needs open surgery for its removal.

A 58-year-old, foreign national woman came to Ace Hospital with complaints of constant back pain and vomiting since years. On evaluation, her CT scan showed around 15cm cystic tumour in left Adrenal gland. The local doctor advised her to undergo surgery as soon as possible but due to fear of open surgery, she avoided further treatment for years. As the complaints did not subside, she finally decided to seek medical treatment in India. Here, she was admitted to ACE Hospital in Pune.

After repeat CT scan, the same tumour appeared to have grown up to 23 cm in size and tumour occupied more than half of the patient’s abdomen. As this tumour was on the left side, it was tightly adherent to the left kidney, spleen, pancreas and the large intestine. In such cases, it is safer to perform the conventional open surgery by cutting the whole abdomen. But the patient herself was not willing to undergo the open method surgery under any circumstances, so she decided to come to India without seeking treatment in her country. The urology specialist of ACE Hospital explained to the patient that the operation can be attempted with the help of 3D laparoscopy, but if necessary, the open surgery will have to be done.

After the patient was prepared for it, the surgery was successfully performed with a modern telescopic technique called 3D laparoscopy. It took four and a half hours for surgery. With the great skill, all the surrounding organs were separated and only the tumour was removed without any damage to the adrenal gland and surrounding structures. Most of the time, in such a surgery, the adrenal gland has to be removed as well. 3 liters of cyst fluid was removed from this tumour. The patient recovered completely within four days after this operation.

The team of skilled urologist Prof. Dr. Suresh B. Patankar, senior urologist Dr.Gururaj R. Padasalagi, urologists Dr.Mayur Narkhede and Dr.Kashinath V. Thakare successfully performed this surgery. Other team members were Dr. Sonali Vaste anesthetic and Assistant nursing staff were Sunita Bangar, Usha Bawadhane, Savita Kokare, Manda Bahir, Bapu Kamble and Rahul Sabale.

In this context, all important scientific medical journals were searched. It showed that in India, till now upto 21 cm size tumour and in entire world around 22cm size tumour were removed by laparoscopy method. The present tumour of size 23 cm removed in ACE hospital got recorded as biggest tumour removed by 3D laparoscopy till now.

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